Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Consistently inconsistent

While we had hoped to go to the zoo with the boys this week, it didn't work out. On the upside, we had a great game of soccer!

We had more boys than usual this time. I finally met Brian, and Franco came. Chechu's brother was there too. And you know what? No fighting, hardly any cussing--we were blessed with such a great morning! Well, except for this one time where I might have strained one of the ligaments in my knee and couldn't walk too well. But all is well now (thanks to some ice, elevation of the said knee, and a little ibuprofen).

I kept thinking on the bus ride home how much we would not have understood how great today was had we not had bad weeks. We wouldn't have been able to see how much Rodrigo uno has to work at being obedient, nor would we have seen his new respect for JD, the one he calls Gringo, had he not been so difficult beforehand. The reason stars shine so bright stems from the great contrast to the surrounding dark space after all.

Wednesday's adventure to the girls' institute was short-lived, as another group had taken our place for Wednesday afternoons. "Can you come tomorrow?"


Wednesday we had also scheduled a Spanish lesson, one that had been originally planned for Tuesday. Then we arrived at Romina's house only to find that we would have to move it to the next week.

Then there was alfajores day. Only Maria Elena was too busy this week (and I had every intention of coming to help her until I may or may not have hurt my knee) to be able to lead, so that was cancelled too.

We had a good time with the Jessica and Laris at the girls' institute though. Jenny and Joanna gave manicures, while Sarah played with Maria Luz (Laris' child), and I shared a story from the Bible. We simply spent the time getting to know each other since we were so few, as one of the girls was hospitalized due to pregnancy complications and the other girls were visiting her. We asked about some of the things we can do in the coming weeks, and we found out that they are in need and in want of Bibles. Perhaps God will open up more in depth studies from that!

It's easy to get frustrated at changed plans. Particularly when this isn't the first time. Sarah and I had both had a feeling that Wednesday wasn't going to work out any way, even before we had arrived. We couldn't explain why we felt that way, we just did.

Once again, I'm used to it after working so much with teenagers over the past years. It's the nature of things--as there is a great enemy trying to foil plans and intentions. Praise be to God that His plans shall not be foiled!

Something to think and pray about. Please continue to pray for the boys, and for the girl, Natia, who is in the hospital. Pray for our hearts to always be prepared to give an answer when the Father does provide an opportunity to share about Jesus, and that Satan's schemes will continue to be quenched!


1 comment:

  1. What great insight about seeing the good times in light of the bad, the victories in light of the defeats, the light of the stars against the darkness of the night sky. God puts so many examples around us. I'm sure our praises in heaven will pour out all the more from having lived this life and appreciating the great difference! Do we need to send or bring any Bibles? Love ya!
